Thursday, May 31, 2012

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I love the water

2. I was a raft guide in the summer and worked on a ski hill in the winter for a couple of years after college

3. I snowboard instead of ski, and I didn't learn to snowboard until after college even though I grew up in Colorado (and I've only been once in the last 10 years-and I still live in Colorado)

4. I love to line dance. I go to a class a few times a week for exercise

5. I am always volunteering

6. I wear flowers in my hair (or butterflies, or ribbons, and it is almost always up because I hate it falling in my face)

7. I love frozen yogurt but I don't really like ice cream

8. I am gluten free because I have celiac disease and dysautonomia

9. I don't like to travel but have been lots of places

10. I am not shy

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